Fillmore Mountain Rescue

The Fillmore Mountain Search and Rescue Team is comprised of highly skilled volunteers who are available to respond to wilderness emergencies in Ventura County. Three teams–Fillmore, Ojai, and East Valley–serve Ventura County, often working together in major search & rescue operations.

All Volunteer

Unpaid Professionals

Serving the People of Ventura County

Ventura County Search & Rescue is an all-volunteer branch of the Ventura County Sheriff’s Office covering all 1,873 square miles of Ventura County including the 43 miles of coastline. The team is trained to use specialized equipment to handle a variety of emergencies such as high-angle rock rescues, car-over-the-side accidents, swift-water rescues, and other wilderness medical emergencies. The team is also highly proficient in search operations for overdue hikers, mountain bikers, off-road motorcyclists, missing children, or lost hunters.

The team is made up of dedicated men and women from all walks of life, providing search and rescue services to Ventura County as a professionally trained organization. Most team members are active in many varieties of outdoor activities and recognize their abilities to assist those in need.

Common Questions


How often is the team called out?

All team members are on call 365 days a year, 24 hours a day and are paged to respond by the Ventura County Sheriff’s Air Unit/Substation. During holidays and summer when there are lots of people in the back country we can get busy. We are always on call for incidents like car-over-the-side accidents and missing individuals. In addition, the Sheriff’s department may call us to aid in evidence searches or body recoveries, so we consistently receive call-outs throughout the year.

How long do the calls take?

It varies tremendously. In rescue situations, where the location of the subject is known, the call can last anywhere from a few hours to much of a day, depending on the location and terrain. In search situations, the call can last anywhere from an hour to several days. For long calls stretching over days, members typically do one or more 12-hour shifts.

What area does the team cover?

We cover all of Ventura County’s 1,873 Square Miles of terrain. This includes Mount Pinos, the Hungry Valley Recreational area, Los Padres National Forest, and the Santa Monica Recreational area. Assisting other teams will take us from right next door into Santa Barbara, Kern, and Los Angeles Counties to more distant regions in California and beyond.

Who pays for all this?

There is some funding from the Ventura County Sheriff’s department. This goes towards the team’s significant expenses for equipment such as ropes, rescue hardware, stretchers, medical and trauma treatment equipment, and so forth. This is insufficient to cover expenses. The team also receives donations from charitable foundations, grateful individuals and families. Fundraising and grant applications require significant effort and account for a major portion of the team’s funds for purchasing vehicles and other equipment. Team members also supply their own basic equipment.

Do you get paid?

No. Everybody is a volunteer, providing their own time for training, team administration, and searches. We each provide the required personal equipment. We are regularly asked about employment or career opportunities. Because everybody is a volunteer, the normal concepts of employment or career do not apply.

What about dogs?

VCSAR has a certified dog team. The dogs and their handlers are trained extensively in search operations as well as Area, Trailing, and Cadaver location.

What other organizations does VCSAR work with?

We work with a variety of other EMS agencies. On any call, we can be working closely with Ventura County Fire, Forest Service, State Parks, other SAR teams, LA County Fire, EMS Providers, and CHP. This close interaction with other emergency services requires that every team member be highly trained and that we work in a professional manner.

Are there other teams?

Yes, each County in the state has their own team. In larger, more diverse counties like Ventura, there are seven search and rescue teams which include, Fillmore, Ojai, and East Valley Mountain Teams, Underwater/Dive Team, Posse Team; Medical Team; and the Dog Team. Counties such as Los Angeles County also have several teams.

What kind of skills and equipment do team members need?

Because of the large variety of mountain and wilderness situations the team can be exposed to, it is difficult to provide “from the ground up” training in all areas. The objective of team training is to enhance existing skills, not teach novice ones. Potential team members should have outdoor experience in activities such as hiking, climbing, mountaineering, back country skiing, and navigation. Experience working in a variety of environments is very desirable since we can be working in 100+ degree weather or in the snow. No one joins the team with a full set of skills, but if you have never hiked a trail, VCSAR is not for you.

A related subject is equipment. It’s assumed that aspiring team members are already experienced “outdoors-type” people. As such, they are likely to own the appropriate outdoor equipment, such as backpacks, boots, clothing, and so forth. Team members must be able to travel through a mountain environment in any weather for extended periods of time, and thus need the personal equipment required to do this. Specialized equipment is provided by the team; however, the vast majority of equipment required is normal outdoor gear and must purchased by the applicant. Those starting with nothing can spend several hundred dollars on gear. It is recommended that applicants wait to purchase gear until equipment is discussed in the academy.

Can you tell me more about the time commitment?

This point cannot be emphasized enough. The team will consume a very large proportion of your once-free time. Team members are expected to attend a minimum of 70% of the trainings and 50% of the call-outs. While everyone is a volunteer, VCSAR is looking for people who are willing to give more than the minimum. Many calls occur outside of work hours, but your employer must be able to tolerate you suddenly leaving. If you travel often and thus are not often available when required, you probably cannot commit to the team.

Fillmore SAR Team 1

Meet the Team

Special Thanks

The team thanks Wendy Shapero for donating her time and photography skills.


SAR Videos

Some videos taken from SAR trainings.

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